This form will be used for one event, if you have multiple events that you need to turn a voucher in for, you will need to fill out a form for each one.
- Meals will autocalculate based on your departure and arrival times in Luma (the state's web-based accounting software.
- Per state travel policy, per diem meals are only paid when you travel 50 or more miles one way and/or have an overnight stay.
- Per state travel policy, travel miles will be paid according to home to destination addresses in accordance with Google Maps. Current milage rate is $0.67 per mile effective February 1, 2024. Odometer readings are permissible only when mileage computations cannot be determined from Google Maps. Additional miles may be approved due to extenuating circumstances, such as weather/road conditions, or construction delays/detours. Please note travel delays in Comments section below.
NOTE: FST employees are eligible to claim compensation for drive time provided that:
- While traveling, you are NOT being compensated by your department or any other entity.
- The purpose of travel is for employment by FST.
- Travel is pre-approved.
- Travel time will be paid according Google Maps most direct route, unless approved extenuating explained and requested. If you are eligible and choose to claim drive time, you must enter hours above on this form AND on your timecard in Luma.
- In Luma, enter the class name, location, drive time and work time in the Comments section of your timecard.
Time stated on this worksheet DOES NOT constitute submission of hours for payroll.